Immune Boost Email Promotion

Good Morning Yogis, 

In an increasingly health-conscious world, if you don’t have a healthy immune system, you don’t have anything. How often have you thought about your own immune system? Is it healthy? How can you make it better?  

Did you know yoga can dramatically increase your immune system function, as well as detoxify organs, remove waste, and increase the flow of rich, oxygenated blood throughout the whole body? Yoga For Every Body has designed an incredible new workshop, Immune Boost, that will have your immune system thriving.  

Immune Boost focuses on twists to wring out the liver and kidneys, inversions to flush the lymph nodes, and pranayama breathing techniques to oxygenate the blood and alleviate adrenal fatigue. Additional side effects of this workshop may include a stronger body, more flexibility, extreme stress relief, improved anxiety and depression, deeper sleep, an increase in serotonin production, and an overall sense of calm and awesomeness. 

Immune Boost is so much more than a yoga class, Goddess Madeline will teach you the relationship between the asanas and the anatomy of your body, the sequence with which you practice, and how they work together to achieve maximum benefit. You will receive one-on-one breathwork coaching, an essential part of receiving the benefits of the practice and the one piece of the puzzle you cannot do alone.  

Taught by Goddess Madeline — yes that’s Goddess Madeline, the fun, sassy, nurturing, spiritual guru, healer, and mother you did know you always wanted — Immune Boost is an 8-week series beginning on March 1st. Because we care about you and want you to get these amazing health benefits, we want to offer you a little gift, 25% off the total price of the workshop! However, to get this incredible deal you must register this week. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Space is limited, click here <insert link> to sign up. No one ever says, ‘man, I really regret the time I did yoga, got healthy, and improved my life. Should’ve stayed home and watched Shark Tank reruns.’  

Peace and Love, 

Goddess Madeline and The Yoga For Every Body Studio 

See Also: 4 Yoga Practices That Will Boost Your Immune System And Detox Your Body

1 thought on “Immune Boost Email Promotion

  1. Pingback: 4 Yoga Practices That Will Boost Your Immune System And Detox Your Body | Tiffany Griffith

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